Demo (Questionnaire Association Network)


Demo (Questionnaire Association Network)


Load the sample dataset (Questionnaire Association Network)

In this example, we are given a set of questionnaire items and the associations (correlation coefficients) between them. Each item also belongs to a particular category. Some items are marked marked with a secondary cross category as well. Overall, this dataset contains two variables.

NodeList, a table with 4 fields:

EdgeList, a table with 2 fields:

Our goal will be to create a network figure between the items Node colors indicating the item categories, and the node borders reflecting the secondary categories (if applicable). Whereas, the color and line widths of the edges will reflect the strength of the association between any two items.


disp(NodeList(1:5, :)) % Display the first 5 rows
disp(EdgeList(1:5, :)) % Display the first 5 rows
     Name      Category    IsCrossCategory    CrossCategory
    _______    ________    _______________    _____________

    {'PA6'}     {'PA'}          true             {'PV'}    
    {'PV2'}     {'PV'}          false            {'PV'}    
    {'PV3'}     {'PV'}          false            {'PV'}    
    {'PV4'}     {'PV'}          false            {'PV'}    
    {'PV5'}     {'PV'}          false            {'PV'}    

     Node1      Node2      Corr  
    _______    _______    _______

    {'PA6'}    {'PA6'}          1
    {'PV2'}    {'PA6'}    0.35987
    {'PV3'}    {'PA6'}    0.37956
    {'PV4'}    {'PA6'}    0.34733
    {'PV5'}    {'PA6'}    0.17661

Initial preparations

rng(1, 'twister'); % For reproducibility

% Filter for edges with corr >= 0.2
EdgeList = EdgeList(EdgeList.Corr >= 0.2, :);

% Map the edges and generate the network as a sparse matrix
nNode = height(NodeList);
[~, i1] = ismember(EdgeList.Node1, NodeList.Name);
[~, i2] = ismember(EdgeList.Node2, NodeList.Name);
W = sparse(i1, i2, EdgeList.Corr, nNode, nNode);
W = (W + W')*0.5; % Make sure the matrix is symmetric

% Initialize the networkvisualizer
net = networkvisualizer(W);

Customize the colors based on categories and add labels

% Add node categories and color accordingly
categories = unique(NodeList.Category);
categoryColors = [0 0.447 0.741; 0.85 0.325 0.098; ...
    0.929 0.694 0.125; 0.466 0.674 0.188];
net.addNodeClass(NodeList.Category, 'Category');
net.setNodeColors(categoryColors, categories, 'Category');

% Add labels and make sure the node sizes accomodate it

% Prepare the figure and plot the initial version
set(gcf, 'Position', [0 0 800 640]);
set(gcf, 'Color', [1 1 1]);

Marking the cross category items

% Add the CrossCategory and IsCrossCategory as additional classes
net.addNodeClass(NodeList.IsCrossCategory, 'IsCrossCategory');
net.addNodeClass(NodeList.CrossCategory, 'CrossCategory');

% Set the line colors of node borders based on their cross category
net.setNodeLineColor(categoryColors, categories, 'CrossCategory');

% Set the line colors to black if the node does not have a cross category
net.setNodeLineColor([0 0 0], false, 'IsCrossCategory');

% Set the border line width depending on if the node has cross category
net.setNodeLineWidth([1.5; 3.5], [false; true], 'IsCrossCategory');

% Also, make the node more rectangular if it is cross category
net.setNodeCurvature(0.5, true, 'IsCrossCategory');

% Plot the figure again
figure(1); plot(net);

Setting the edge color and line widths based on weights

% Set edge categories based on weights
% 1 for [0.2-0.3], 2 for [0.3-0.4], 3 for [>0.4]
weights = W(net.Edges);
weight_category = (weights >= 0.2) + (weights >= 0.3) + (weights >= 0.4);
net.addEdgeClass(weight_category, 'weight_category');

% Set the edge line width based on the weight categories
net.setEdgeLineWidth(0.75^2*[1; 2; 3], [1; 2; 3], 'weight_category');

% Set edge colors based on the category
edge_cat_colors = [0.65 0.65 0.65; 0.5 0.5 0.5; 0.35 0.35 0.35];
net.setEdgeColors(edge_cat_colors, [1; 2; 3], 'weight_category');

% Plot the figure again
figure(1); plot(net);